Friday, 24 June 2016

DIY for Hair Growth

Onion Juice:
How to Make Onion Rinse For Hair GrowthOnion juice for hair growth
·  Peel the onions and chop them into small pieces.
·  Squeeze the juice out. To extract the juice, you can use a food processor, a blender, a grater or a juicer.
· Massage the juice into your scalp or cover the bald patches.
· Leave on for at least 15 minutes (longer if you can tolerate the smell) and then wash out using a mild shampoo.

Onion and honey mix for hair growth
·  Mix ¼ cup of onion juice with 1 tablespoon of honey (if more mixture is required, double the amounts).
·  Apply the paste onto your scalp.
·  Leave it on for at least 30 minutes.
·  You can also cover it with a shower cap and leave it overnight.
·  Rinse it off.

This is a natural treatment, so you’ll have to be a bit patient to see the results. Use it daily (or minimum three times a week) and allow at least two months for your hair to start becoming stronger and shinier.

Friday, 25 March 2016

For Weight Loss

Image result for honey

Image result for lemon juice


1. Pepper powder--1 tspImage result for pepper

2. Lemon Juice- 4 tsps.

3. Honey -1 tsp

4. Warm water- 1 glass


 Mix all the above ingredients and have once a day preferably in morning.


Image result for slim lady image
Stay Fit

Pedi Nail Arts

Friday, 18 March 2016

Sweet Corn Snack


1. Corn Seeds - 2 cups
2. Finely chopped onion- 1 cup
3. Finely chopped green chillies as required
4. Corn flour 2 tsbp
5. Finely chopped coriander - 1 tbsp.
6. Rice flour - 1tsp
7. Turmeric -1/2 tsp
8. Grated ginger little
9. Sugar- little
10. Salt- as required


1. Make coarse paste of Corn in grinder.

2. Add one by on the above ingredients.

3. Mix well with spoon.

4. Make balls with hand and press to make as shown in picture.

5. Heat oil in  deep pan, and fry till golden brown

6. Serve with mint chatni or tomato ketchup.